Personal Tax Advice When people think about personal tax the first thing that pops into mind is your annual tax return. Submitting your tax return on time and complying with ATO regulations is a major part of what we do. But personal tax accountants like us can also help plan your tax position so you reach your financial goals sooner. Guiding you through potential options and structures where you benefit the most from your income and investments without worrying about the gains being eaten away in tax. Talk to us before you make decision around:
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Achieve your goals Ready to make your money work harder for you, but don't understand the most tax-effective way to do it? We can help. | Sort out your tax We can submit your annual tax returns and make sure you claim what you're entitled to. Even if you haven't lodged a tax return in years. | Plan for retirement There are many tax-effective ways to boost your retirement while you're working. We can advise on the options available.
Leave a legacy As soon as you have any type of asset (including savings and super)you need to think about what would happen to it if you're not around. We can advise on Estate Planning.
| Manage your Super There can be tax advantages when you put some of your before-tax wages into super (known as salary sacrificing) or set up your own Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF). We can explore what that means for you and your tax position.
We can work with you at out office in Castle Hill or do everything remotely via email or Zoom.
Below are just some of the many Taxation Services we can provide to you:
Book in your personal tax session through our calendar or give us a call. Contact Us | We can also help with business accounting needs. Business Accounting |